Monday, March 30, 2009

Ugh. Bad Week.

We (the entire family) contracted the stomach virus from Hades last week. It was a blur of constant diaper changes, trips to the bathroom, and Gatorade - lots of Gatorade. But alas, we made it through.

My new, healthy diet, on the other hand, didn't really make it to the other side. I was doing so well, and now, I'm having the hardest time sticking to it. After several days of consuming nothing but sports drink, I was craving comfort food - fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, Southern-style green beans, biscuits, and sweet tea. That was my first real meal after the plague ran its course. It was more than a dietary indulgence - it was medicine. It was as if I needed it to get well, and I think I did need it, in a way.

Problem is, I can't seem to get back on the wagon. I just don't have my energy back yet, and I know that eating well will help restore it, but I'm having a hard time forcing myself to prepare food. I just want to order take out, or have Tim bring some food home from work (diets are always harder to stick to when your husband works at a restaurant). I feel like I'm dragging, all day. I'm constantly tired. It doesn't help that I'm PMSing, either.

I'm planning to start fresh tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that both boys are reasonably well behaved so I can have that extra time to fix some healthy meals. I have to get back on track. I have to.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! I am on this journey, too. I am coming to it backwards, though. I have decided I need to get physically, and spiritually fit, so before going gangbusters with eating less and moving more (lol), I am committing to reading scriptures every day, even if it's just a little. I am hoping for an inside-out change.

    You CAN do this, Mer! You deserve it.
